Why are you interested in becoming a rank?
I just started rago 8 days ago and fell in love with this boss. I will be doing rago non stop for a few months. I have 260NM kc and 8 HM kc. I will be performing roles and would love teaching learners and will host a lot of Rago kills.
Are you a member of any other pvm related friends chats?
What clan are you a member of?
What is your skill level?
State your Combat, Herblore and Summoning levels.
* What is your Vorago killcount?
260 NM
8 HM
* Can you perform roles? Will you learn roles?
Yes i can. I would like to learn to use more intercepts as a BT and would also like to learn trio rago.
* Will you be active and polite?
Yes. Im friendly with everyone and will be online almost the whole day