Application Form:
• Username: Psydux
• Combat Level: 138
• Weapons: Ascension Set - P6 / E4 + Mainhand Glaive with Planted Feet. (&t99 Prayer)
Nox Scythe P6 / E4
• Armour: Pernix set (Crackling 4 + Biting 4 + Enhanced Devotion 4)
Masterwork Set (Same Perks as Above)
• Herblore Level: 100 with Elders (Boost from W84 portables)
• Summoning Level: 99
• Prayer Level: 99
• Combat Auras: Maniacal/Reckless/Berserker/Supreme Rang/Melee/Magic/Dark Magic/Mahjarrat/Penance/Vamp/Inspiration
• PvM Experience: Nex 150 Solo Kills / Rax 250 Kills / 70+ ED2 / All Basic bosses
• Prifddinas Access (Y/N): Yes
• Would you use discord? (Y/N): Yes
•Do you want to learn certain bosses? if so, which ones?: All of them
•Favourite Bosses?: Nex/Rax
•Are you willing to teach certain bosses? if so, which ones?: Nex/Rax/ED2/GWD2 Anything that I have learnt.
•Are you willing to help rebuild the clan/ being a member of the new staff team? Of course
•Do you have any questions for us?: N/A
19-May-2020 19:47:59
- Last edited on
19-May-2020 19:49:17