Application Form:
• Username: Xcow vs kbdX
• Combat Level: 138
• Weapons: All 3 Nox Weapons
• Armour: Augmented Virtus, Untrimmed Masterwork/ Malevolent, and Full Sirenic. All 3 Kiln Capes
• Herblore Level: 99
• Summoning Level: 99
• Prayer Level: 99
• Combat Auras: All Marks of war auras, Supreme runic accuracy / sharpshooter. Other Pvm Auras
• PvM Experience: Bossing up to about gwd2. Vindicta is my main boss to kill with ~2200 kc. Done some solo Rax and a few Beastmaster kills.
• Prifddinas Access (Y/N): Y
• Would you use discord? (Y/N): Y
•Do you want to learn certain bosses? if so, which ones?: Yes, Wana learn raids better, learn nex, and complete Elite dungeon runs.
•Favourite Bosses?: Vindicta
•Are you willing to teach certain bosses? if so, which ones?: Vindicta is the only one i might be able to. I have 2200kc and recieved all drops.
•Are you willing to help rebuild the clan/ being a member of the new staff team? Sure
•Do you have any questions for us?: Sure this was in the intro of this forum somewhere but wondering timezone for main members of clan? im Central Time Zone / USA.
18-May-2020 00:11:19