1. Runescape player name: StarKyo
2. Combat level? 138
3. Total player level? 2561 (2570)
4. Are you willing to cap at the clan citadel (not required)? Sometimes, cannot guarantee every week though.
5. Have you read clan rules and agree to abide by them? Yes
6. Are you interested in learning any bossing? I know many roles of many bosses, but always looking and willing to grow for anything I currently don't know. Can do most roles at raids, and have some experience in elite dungeons and aod, don't consider myself to be a pro at any of them though. Would love to learn Solak one day.
7. Have you ever been in a clan before? if so what clan? Yes, a few clans over the years. Originally was in the World 32 star hunting clan, currently in Soaring Legends but looking for a less 'elitist' clan. Had a bit of a toxic nature towards newer players that I didn't particularly like being around.
8. What time zone are you in? Eastern Standard Time (US East)
17-Aug-2019 06:26:11