1. Runescape player name: Nerf Dis
2. Total player level? 915
3. Would you be willing to cap at the clan citadel? Don’t understand
4. Have you read clan rules and agree to abide by them? Yes
5. Are you interested in learning any bossing? Loving bandos
6. Have you ever been in a clan before? if so what clan? No
7. What time zone are you in? UK
Thank you Nerf Dis for your application, however you are applying for a clan that almost exclusively plays rs3 and your an old school player. Perhaps try Old School Forums
21-Apr-2019 16:30:54
- Last edited on
21-Apr-2019 16:42:38
Hit Boss
1. Runescape player name: Red Dead RS
2. Total player level? 2706 (2802 Virtual Level)
3. Would you be willing to cap at the clan citadel? Yes
4. Have you read clan rules and agree to abide by them? Yes
5. Are you interested in learning any bossing? Aod, Solak and Rots
6. Have you ever been in a clan before? if so what clan? Many of them, Scourge of Rellekka was my longest run, was a deputy
7. What time zone are you in? UK GMT
Suspicious feeling that togafalcon is the frog among the wolves...
1. Runescape player name: VHS Tape
2. Total player level?: 1818
3. Would you be willing to cap at the clan citadel?: Yes Sir!
4. Have you read clan rules and agree to abide by them?: Yup!
5. Are you interested in learning any bossing?: Very much! I would love to learn Elite Dungeons
6. Have you ever been in a clan before? if so what clan?: Yes, Rise of the Socks. But it´s really dead
7. What time zone are you in? UTC -3