1. Runescape player name:
2. Total player level?
3. Would you be willing to cap at the clan citadel?
I am unsure what that means, but I imagine so, especially if its a weekly thing.
4. Have you read clan rules and agree to abide by them?
I have read what is posted in this forum, but not the more specific rules because I am unsure where to find them. I will definitely read those once I know where they are.
5. Are you interested in learning any bossing?
I am interested in PvM generally. I am unsure what boss is best for lvl 70-75 combat stats, and will gladly join in bosses appropriate for my level.
6. Have you ever been in a clan before? if so what clan?
I have, but I didn't do much. It was Nobless
7. What time zone are you in?
Central Time Zone - US
16-Mar-2019 03:20:41