Runescape Username: Gosleepbaby
Timezone: MST
Time Played: since 2006 on and off
Combat Level: 138
Total Level: 2679
"Get to know you" questions:
What do you enjoy most in the game? I enjoy PvM'ing as well as training skills
What are your goals in joining the clan? My EoC PvM experience is lacking to say the least, with a total of roughly 300 boss kills, most of which are on bandos. I'd like to learn more about PvM, and do a lot more of it.
Are you a more of a social person, or quietly observe? I usually like to chat unless I'm doing something like pvm or a skill like construction
Do you have a pretty decent knowledge of the game and how it works? Of the game overall yes. I know very little about pvm now, and some of the most recent game changing updates im also not too familiar with.
What is the second rule? Be polite and mature
08-Jun-2020 15:34:45