You are more than welcome to join our clan. As you may know we are a high-level social clan. Our members have a variety of interests including PvP, PvM, skilling, minigames, and more. We have a fully equipped citadel and three avatars which are available to everyone. Our events are not mandatory and tend to just pop-up. The main focus of our clan is providing members with a friendly environment to hang out and chat while playing the game.
Please join our clan chat: Obbywarriors and request an invite. Looking forward to seeing you in-game and welcome to ObbyWarriors!
Current and Previous Names: Brandon1764
Combat Level: 125
Total Skill Level: 2043
Are you a Member: yes
What Events are you most interested in: dungeoneering and would like to learn how to boss
Do you agree to be mature and helpful: yes
Did anyone refer you to OW? Who? red sonja v
Thank you for showing interest in our clan. Our members have a wide range of interests including skilling, bossing, dung, PvP (including Warbands), and more. Please check out our clan page for more info. We have a friendly laid-back atmosphere and should be able to help out with anything you need. Just ask!
If you haven't done so already, please join our clan chat: Obbywarriors to request an invite.
Looking forward to seeing you in-game and welcome to Obbywarriors!
Current and Previous Names: ice hannu, iron hannu
Combat Level:138
Total Skill Level:2595
Are you a Member: yes
What Events are you most interested in: raids
Do you agree to be mature and helpful: ye
Did anyone refer you to OW? Who? no
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