: Farm For Fun
Favorite Boss?
Mostly from nostalgia, but it's Barrows. I really don't have enough experience yet to have a better one yet.
Do you have any prior clan management experience?
Slightly, I have been playing since 2001, actively since 2008.
Are you looking to learn any bosses?
I am applying to join a community and ultimately learn all the bosses. I'm not great at combat style swapping or getting a good keybind setup. So I'm looking to learn alot about each of the bosses.
Which bosses are you skilled in?
Vindicta, would be the only one I would say skilled in, though I understand the concept of each GW2 boss minus Hel.
Why did you leave your previous clan?
My last real clan I was apart of just kind of due to everyone at once moving on with their lives and involvement ended.
If you are a learner, will you use discord for voice chat?
I will be using Discord to be involved I will advise I currently don't have a microphone, I will be looking to grab another shortly.
How did you hear about our clan?
I looked through the forums to look for High Level PVM Clans.
25-Jun-2018 23:12:35