Favorite Boss?
Can't say a certain favorite, but recently I've quite enjoyed Nex and the little of low enrage Telos I've done.
Do you have any prior clan management experience?
Are you looking to learn any bosses?
I've yet to really do any of the group bosses, AoD, raids, Vorago, and they seem very interesting to get involved with, so those are on my list. Also getting more in depth with Telos, but that's not really a clan matter
Which bosses are you skilled in?
Obviously the easy ones like Corp, GWD1/2 and QBD. Others I wouldn't say I'm exactly skilled at, but somewhat reasonable ability in Nex solo and Araxxor, maybe RotS.
Why did you leave your previous clan?
Never been in a clan before.
If you are a learner, will you use discord for voice chat?
How did you hear about our clan?
A friend of a friend is a member of yours, did some RotS with them some time ago.
Thank you for applying Thepromake, you've been accepted to Lethality! Please join our Clan Chat as a guest and let them know you've applied and we will be happy to invite you to the clan!