*-··,.Completionist, Master Quest Cape, the Warden, the Defeater, the Araxyte, the Liberator, the Reaper, the Afker, Bukalla's Heir, Slayer Master, Speedy Dungeoneer, Lifeguard & Salty._.,··-*
*-··,.Completionist, Master Quest Cape, the Warden, the Defeater, the Araxyte, the Liberator, the Reaper, the Afker, Bukalla's Heir, Slayer Master, Speedy Dungeoneer, Lifeguard & Salty._.,··-*
opy and Paste this Application in a reply and answer all the questions Honestly. Once posted please join Lethality as a guest
and let us know you've applied and we will check out your app and give you an invite!
CB Level/Total Level? 138/2587
Do you meet our stated Weapon requirements? Didn't see any wep req? But all tier 90
What is your Favorite Boss? Vindy
Which bosses are you skilled in? Gwd1-2. I've got a basic knowledge of nex, telos, rots, n rax.
Are you looking to learn any bosses? Aod, Rago
If you are a learner, will you use discord for voice chat? yes
Why did you leave your previous clan? It was more of a social clan, Looking to get into bossing more
Do you have any prior clan management experience? no
*-··,.Completionist, Master Quest Cape, the Warden, the Defeater, the Araxyte, the Liberator, the Reaper, the Afker, Bukalla's Heir, Slayer Master, Speedy Dungeoneer, Lifeguard & Salty._.,··-*
*-··,.Completionist, Master Quest Cape, the Warden, the Defeater, the Araxyte, the Liberator, the Reaper, the Afker, Bukalla's Heir, Slayer Master, Speedy Dungeoneer, Lifeguard & Salty._.,··-*
*-··,.Completionist, Master Quest Cape, the Warden, the Defeater, the Araxyte, the Liberator, the Reaper, the Afker, Bukalla's Heir, Slayer Master, Speedy Dungeoneer, Lifeguard & Salty._.,··-*