Rsn? Cute D1 Girl
Favorite Boss? raids, and aod, can do b1 b2 chin,hammer or mage solobase and learning to Mt, i like afking gw2 in my downtime
Do you have any prior clan management experience? not Really, im trying to learn how to be in a clan instead of playing the game alone
Are you looking to learn any bosses? im trying to improve on telos,aod, and would love to get a solak kill..
Which bosses are you skilled in? i'd call myself skilled at aod and raids
Why did you leave your previous clan? it just didnt offer as much as i wanted it to and im hoping you people do way better
If you are a learner, will you use discord for voice chat? ofcourse but dont expect me to talk too much
26-Jul-2018 13:06:22