Total level: 1895
Combat level: 130
Your time zone: Central
Current goal in the game: Casual, Social
Events that you'd be interested in: Bossing trips, Citadel Capping, Skill/Chill, Maybe competitions
Do you have access to Prifddinas? No
Playing style (skiller, combatant, social or mixed): Social, Mixed
Would you like to be added to our Discord server? Yes
Have you read our rules and goal and do you understand them? Yes
*If someone told you about our clan, enter their name here:
I understand my total level is below what is recommended/required to join, but I am actively working to raise it. I focused several combat 99s so many of my non-combat skills are lacking.
(Some < 50)
I was previously the founder of another clan which had, at peak, around 60 members. I have a good understanding of clan functions and the importance of capping at the citadel.
Otherwise, I'm just looking for a social/casual/mature clan to make the grind a little more interesting.
Thank you for your consideration.
24-Feb-2018 23:51:43