Applications Templates:
1. Application for KOS ++++++ Combat Rank 180+, 1800 total level.
How do you want to be called: Chris, or baha
Combat level: 200
Defense Level: 99
Magic Level: 94
Ranged Level: 86
Prayer Level: 92
Herblore Level: 67 I intend to work on it
Total Level: 1987 but it'll be over 2000 by tomorrow
Any 99s: strength, defence, hp, firemaking
List your chaotics: Maul, had a rapier and lost it
Time Zone: Whatever time zone missouri is in. I think its C*T
How did you find out about KOS: Runeracer222
Please list any previous clans you were in: Blood vipers, Sapphite Knights, Autumn Dusk
Are you interested in warring: sure
Will you follow the clan rules: Sure
Will you bump our thread: Sure
We use Ts3 as a voice chat, would you be willing to use this server: yeah
Will you gather resources at the citadel: I'll cap every week if need be
Do you want to add something: nah
06-Jan-2014 06:59:25