°ï¦ï°¯¯¯¯Applications Form:¯¯¯¯°ï¦ï°
What would you like to be called: Dragon/ John
Combat level: 200
Defense Level: 99
Magic Level: 91
Ranged Level: 82
Prayer Level: 81
Herblore Level: 81
Total Level: 2339 almost 2340/2341 close lvls
Any 99s: Att, def, hp, str, cook, dunge, fish, fire, woodcut
Time Zone: Eastern Time Zone (GMT-5)
How did you find out about KOS: forums
Please list any previous clans you were in: Celestial, Transcendental, Bonded (in order)
Why did you leave: was victim of a raged kicker in cele, kicked from Trans raging/spamming, and kicked from Bonded for asking for avatar in citadel..
Did you read the clan rules: yes and ill follow to the fullest. pm me if i go ah-stray
Will you bump our thread: yes
We use Ts3 as a voice chat, would you be willing to use this server: I LOVE IT!!
Will you gather resources at the citadel: free exp who dont?
Do you want to add something: i like sarcasm, but willing to stop if told too..
04-Jan-2014 04:37:42
- Last edited on
04-Jan-2014 04:39:25