What would you like to be called:Mant
Combat level:Maxed
Defense Level:99
Magic Level:99
Ranged Level:99
Prayer Level:96
Herblore Level:97
Total Level:2424
Any 99s:attack, con, strength, defence, ranged, cooking, fire, Mage, fletch, wc, slay and summoning
Time Zone:GMT+8
How did you find out about KOS: frequent visitor when with GB
Please list any previous clans you were in:Green Bandits
Why did you leave: Umm, clan sort of fell apart
Did you read the clan rules:yep
Will you bump our thread:yes
We use Ts3 as a voice chat, would you be willing to use this server: no idea - running a really old and very cranky PC
Will you gather resources at the citadel:yes
Do you want to add something: Ello - anyone seen my pants? ( bit of an old joke but have used it so often on the forum threads, might as well continue!)
† Mant - just wanna be †
05-May-2014 14:14:59
- Last edited on
05-May-2014 17:15:05