What would you like to be called: Travel
Combat level: 132
Defense Level: 92
Magic Level: 88
Ranged Level: 96
Prayer Level: 95
Herblore Level: 94
Total Level: 2313
Any 99s: Cooking (lol)
Time Zone: EST
How did you find out about KOS: RS3 Forums
Please list any previous clans you were in: Green Bandits (years ago)
Why did you leave: Stopped playing
Did you read the clan rules: Sure did
Will you bump our thread: When I can
We use Discord as a voice chat, would you be willing to use this server: Of course
Will you gather resources at the citadel: Free xp am I right?
Do you want to add something: Just logged in to rs3 yesterday after 1234 days so I'm in need of a refresher course. Was playing OSRS for awhile. Honestly looking for people to play with and help me get back up to speed
Hello Travelocity. Welcome to kos! Feel free to visit our cc KOS for an add to the clan as well as discord information. I look forward to seeing you in-game!