What would you like to be called: Lucas
Combat level: 113
Defense Level: 86
Magic Level: 72
Ranged Level: 65
Prayer Level: 68
Herblore Level: 64
Total Level: 1843
Any 99s: Woodcutting, Firemaking
Time Zone: -3
How did you find out about KOS: Searched Saradomin in the forums, first to pop up
Please list any previous clans you were in: I was only in one, can't remember the name, it was 2 years ago
Why did you leave: Stopped playin RS for personal reasons
Did you read the clan rules: I did
Will you bump our thread: Why not
We use Ts3 as a voice chat, would you be willing to use this server: Already use it
Will you gather resources at the citadel: Sure, unless I have a good reason not to
Do you want to add something: Saradomin Fan, I speak Spanish as my main language, but I also speak english and italian
10-Dec-2015 13:12:01