What would you like to be called:max12343
Combat level:114
Defense Level:77
Magic Level:72
Ranged Level:57
Prayer Level:82
Herblore Level:65
Total Level:1922
Any 99s: cook fishing thief
Time Zone:est
How did you find out about KOS:used to b in yrs ago
Please list any previous clans you were in:a*oc slayer ,kos
Why did you leave: inactive
Did you read the clan rules:yes
Will you bump our thread:sure
We use Ts3 as a voice chat, would you be willing to use this server:yes
Will you gather resources at the citadel:yes
Do you want to add something: 15 yr vet !!!! ya boy!!!! pm me soo i can join up
20 plus yr vet !
06-Feb-2015 21:04:11