Ingame Name: Calypsoqt
Total Level: 1842
Combat Level: 116
Attack Level: 90
Strength Level: 88
Defense Level: 80
Constitution Level: 85
Ranged Level: 72
Magic Level: 68
Prayer Level 71
Summoning Level: 69
Herblore Level: 61
Have you read the clan rules and do you agree with the consequences? Yes, and I do
What's your name/preferred name? (optional): Calypso is just fine, been a common name I've used in a lot of games
Where are you from? Country/Timezone (optional): America, EST
Any previous clans? If yes, what were the reasons you left? Just one, they weren't my speed a lot of them were more into skilling which is fine but no one ever wanted to boss or do stuff as a group
Favorite Activity on Runescape? Bossing/making gold :3
Any impressive skills we should know about? My glorious sense of humor
Favorite skill? I really like dungeoneering I've just been too focused on combat skills to level it recently
Favorite Boss? Kril because I always get like 4 drops for some reason
How did you hear about our clan? Runescape forums
Any reason why you want to become a potato member? Because i'm a potato, you're a potato, we're all potatos
08-Aug-2017 20:00:40