Ingame Name: Benji Breeg
Total Level: 2163
Combat Level: 126
Attack Level: 92
Strength Level: 97
Defense Level: 92
Constitution Level: 95
Ranged Level: 85
Magic Level: 89
Prayer Level 76
Summoning Level: 73
Herblore Level: 79
Have you read the clan rules and do you agree with the consequences? yes
Any previous clans, if yes, what were the reasons you left? been in several that did not work out for me
Favorite Activity on Runescape? Dungeo*ering and a crafting addiction (current goal:create 5000 air battle staves and 500 amulets of glory, lvl90 or bust!)
Any impressive skills we should know about? not a single skill at lvl 99 usually someone at level has one not sure that's impressive though
85 mining? ok not impresive by todays standards but I was impressed. 89 smithing?
Favorite skill? Dungeoneering
Favorite Boss? the zamorak demon generals whatever they're names are.
What boss are you interested in learning? Arraxxi
How did you hear about our clan? scanning recruitment posts and I went from lvl 80 to lvl 92 cooing making and selling tuna and corn potatatoes made some decent coin from it too.
Any reason why you want to become a potato member? seems like a spudding good time
28-Mar-2016 03:47:21