well, posted this last night before bed, but apparently it didnt work...so here goes again.
Ingame Name:Hattriix
Total Level:2243
Combat Level:136
Attack Level:99
Strength Level:99
Defense Level:99
Constitution Level:99
Ranged Level:98
Magic Level:99
Prayer Level:99
Summoning Level:86
Herblore Level:85
Have you read the clan rules and do you agree with the consequences?yes
Any previous clans, if yes, what were the reasons you left? i just got back a few months ago from a long break. came back and met a few people and played with them. got invited to their clan but it was unorganized and they eventually were just adding random people from world 2, and people werent even active, so i left. this was a few weeks ago.
Favorite Activity on Runescape? probably slayer
Any impressive skills we should know about? i'm pretty run of the mill lol
Favorite skill? slayer
Favorite Boss? umm only really killed qbd and bandos a few times. bandos was years ago. dont really know anything about bossing tbh, never had the chance to learn.
How did you hear about our clan? da forums
Any reason why you want to become a potato member? this clan seems organized, and settled in, which is what i need. like most people agree, clans seriously prolong my interest in this game and make me want to play daily, as i have been since coming back, trying to catch up with a lot of the new stuff, bosses, etc
17-Jul-2016 23:53:01