All rules in the server always apply, All Jagex rules apply, and all Discord Terms of service apply.
Most of the time, broken rules result in a warning. Depending on the offence, it can be an immediate mute, kick or ban. All users must be the age of 18+ to be in the server. Not all rules are listed, please think and use common sense before you write/say/post things! If you notice any moderators not doing their job or abusing their powers, please report it to a higher ranked member.
#Rule 1: Be friendly and respect other clan members and guest clan members. No racism - in any form. We are an inclusive and open minded clan. Any racist slur usage results in an instaban, anywhere in the server or game. Please do not harass other clan members and guest clan members, or be toxic, such arguing in #general or insulting others. If you would like to argue with someone, do it in DMs and not in the server or general chat.
#Rule 2: No super serious topics like political talk, or any topics that lead to feeling deeply hurt, upset, angry, or harm to oneself/others. Please make sure all topics are appropriate. This includes images and texts that is NSFW, sexually explicit, disturbing or display a grave nature.
#Rule 3: Advertising isn't allowed. This includes asking people to join your server or other servers in any way, advertising any website or product, or real-world trading that is outside of the game environment.
#Rule 4: No scamming, luring or exploiting a bug. Asking/attempting/cheating clan members and clan guest during a trade in any conditions is contrary to our rules and won't go on without serious consequences. Users must not trick or beguile clan members and clan guest. Luring or misleading clan mates for your own personal gain is not in the spirit of fair play. Knowingly exploiting a bug is cheating and gives a bad reputation to the clan. All gains must be made fairly through honest game play!
19-Sep-2020 21:50:00