Congratulations Super Html, you have been accepted into PvM Cancer. Please join our clan chat as a guest or pm me or any rank General or above for an invitation to the clan. We look forward to having you as part of the Cancer.
You will be gear checked before joining the Clan so have your Examine public. If you want the Discord link log into the RS Clan forums once invited and grab the link from the thread
Preferred Name:Trem
Do you have all the listed gear? (You will be gear checked)Most of it have to reperk out scythe but have fully perked armour
Melee Levels:99/99/99
Magic Level:99
Range Level:99
Defence Level:99
Summoning Level:99
Prayer Level:99
Invention Level:147
Do you have Ancient Curses?Yes
Do you have any Praesul Prayers? If yes, which ones? (Not a requirement)Affliction
Do you have a Planted Feet weapon switch?not yet
Do you have Aftershock Unlocked?Yep
Do you have Supreme Overloads?Yep
Total Level:2731
What perks are on your weapons/armour? (You may be declined if your perks ain't good enough)prec5/as3 nox staff, melee and mage armour: ed3/crackling3,mob/imp3/biting 3
What bosses/roles can you do?I can do all bosses and am looking to learn more roles at other bosses.
What bosses/roles do you want to get better at/learn: just about anything
What's the name(s) of your previous clan(s)?The Leviathan
How did you find out about the clan?Forums
Do you use Discord? Would you like yo use PvM Cancer Discord?Sure
Tell us something about you! (Optional)I'm awesome and make terrible jokes