RSN: Rich Arab
Combat Level: 138
Total level: 2581
Prayer/Summoning/Herblore level: All 99
Timezone: UTC+2 (EET)
Are you a Member: Yes
Do you have a Discord Account and would you be willing to use it when PvMing: Yes
Your current bossing experience: been soloing ed1, ed2, araxxi and nex
Preferred Style of Gameplay (Skiller, PvMer, PvPer , Social or Mixed player): PvMer
Bosses you are most keen on doing: Pretty much all but would love to learn ed3 and nexAOD
Would you be willing to learn/teach bosses: Yes
What you would like to gain from being in Deeps 4 Geeps: Meet friendly people to play the game with
Tell us something else about you: I've dumbed over 6000 hours to osrs so if there are osrs players in clan I'm down to do bossing there as well
Have you read the rules and do you accept them: Yes
20-Mar-2021 20:47:19