RSN: Frietzak_NL
Combat Level: 138
Total level: 2471
Prayer/Summoning/Herblore level: 99/99/86
Timezone: CET
Are you a Member: Yes
Do you have a Discord Account and would you be willing to use it when PvMing: Yes, FrietzakNL
Your current bossing experience: Returning player, did some minor bossing activities in the past both solo as withing a group.
Preferred Style of Gameplay (Skiller, PvMer, PvPer , Social or Mixed player): Mixed
Bosses you are most keen on doing: n/a
Would you be willing to learn/teach bosses: Yea would like to learn more about bossing and the mechanics related to it.
What you would like to gain from being in Deeps 4 Geeps: Fun experience to play together as a group
Tell us something else about you: As having a fulltime job i'm mostly playing during the evenings, looking for a casual clan without being forced to invest a lot of time.
Have you read the rules and do you accept them: yes
12-Aug-2023 14:34:37