RSN: gavvers
Combat Level:68
Total level: 910
Prayer/Summoning/Herblore level: 35/5/8
Timezone: Central Time, US
Are you a Member: No, will eventually.
Do you have a Discord Account and would you be willing to use it when PvMing: Yes.
Your current bossing experience: Practically none. Tried the giant mole for the first time today and no luck.
Preferred Style of Gameplay (Skiller, PvMer, PvPer , Social or Mixed player): Skiller.
Bosses you are most keen on doing: Not sure yet. I'm primarily melee, and very low level if that says anything.
Would you be willing to learn/teach bosses: Yes
What you would like to gain from being in Deeps 4 Geeps: Plenty more knowledge in bossing and overall skilling in Runescape, and hopefully get a bit closer with the community.
Tell us something else about you: I'm an anthropology instructor. In real life, at least. Played old school runescape when I was a kid back in like, 2007. Came back to it to check it all out and liked rs3 a bit more.
Have you read the rules and do you accept them: Yes
07-Dec-2021 05:51:16
- Last edited on
07-Dec-2021 05:52:19