I am a returning player due to other commitments. I am in need of getting up to speed with what's new over the past 1-2 years. My time playing is limited compared to what it used to be but I do wish to return to the position in the game I once was.
Combat Level: 138
Total Level: 2736
Are you more of a skillet or a PVM-er? I do both, majority of game content. I do enjoy Pvm a lot and a couple skills more than others.
Have you read our rules and clan information? Yes I have, I am aware of the level of respect and participation required and also the consequences involved in breaking rules.
Are you interested in getting added to clan Discord server? It's not something I would use to begin with but as I settle in and interact with others then it will be a strong use for communication between us.
How did you hear about us ? I found your post upon the Runescape Forum where I was browsing for a choice of clans. This clan is one that fit my criteria a lot more than many others.
04-Mar-2019 18:33:36