Runescape Name: Heartless38
Combat level: 138
Total level: 2733
-- Levels --
Attack: 99
Herblore: 112
Summoning: 99
Favorite boss: whatever
Favorite skill: slayer
• Do you understand scamming clan members will result in a kick? as it should
• We have members under the age of 18 do you agree to act responsibly? yup
• Please list your previous clan (s): Nomads, too old to remember
• How did you find our clan? this forum
• Additional information or comments: i submitted one of these from my alt accs name for this acc. went ahead and resubmitted with my actual acc. primarily looking to get into a clan i can occasionally boss with but mostly do clan cit every week. I play daily, though not a ton on most occasions.
04-Feb-2020 00:13:58