Total level: 2718
Combat level: 138
Herblore, Prayer & Summoning levels: 99, 99, 99
Your time zone: EST
Current goal in the game: Get QPC back, finally finish 120 dungeoneering, figure out what I missed in 2 years.
Events that you'd be interested in: Raids, AoD ( Need to learn this one )
Do you have access to Prifddinas? Yup
Playing style (skiller, combatant, social or mixed): Mixed, I skill, I do combat, I complete quests. I'm all over the place.
Would you like to be added to our Discord server? Yup!
Have you read our rules and goal and do you understand them? Absolutely do!
*If someone told you about our clan, enter their name here: N/A
26-Jan-2019 14:32:57