Username*: reddawn jr
Combat Level*: 138
Weapons*: t88 set
Armour*: t88 set
Herblore Level*: 103
Summoning Level*:99
Prayer Level*: 100
Auras(PvM related): supreme mage+range, almost supreme mele, dark magic
PvM experience / Preferred bosses: I know every boss but roles at vorago
Prifddinas / Max Guild Access: (Y/N) I have priff access, am working on maxing
Do you have discord or would download: (Y/N) yes
Are you looking to learn any bosses / roles? Looking to learn rago roles, would love to learn bomb tank
Are you able to teach any bosses / roles? Yes I can teach any role at any boos minus vorago and basing raids(not experienced enough yet)
Any other PvM relating items you have / want to mention:
24-Apr-2018 05:09:47