RSN: Gumbo v2
Combat Level: 129
Total Level: 2301
Herblore Level: 88
Prayer Level: 92
Ancient Curses[Yes/No]: Yes
RSN of the person who referred you (or N/A)? N/A
Do you agree to abide by our guidelines? Yes
Name 2-3 bosses that you’d want to learn or kill more? GWD, Nex
What are your best melee, magic, and ranged weapons? Bandos, Zammy, Armadyl
RSN: Jacoby99
Combat Level: 138
Total Level: 2515
Herblore Level: 99
Prayer Level: 99
Ancient Curses[Yes/No]: yes
RSN of the person who referred you (or N/A)? n/a
Do you agree to abide by our guidelines? yes
Name 2-3 bosses that you’d want to learn or kill more? nex arrax and barrows
What are your best melee, magic, and ranged weapons? drygore rapiers and nox longbow
i want to start getting into end game bossing more and would love a cool clan to play with