Runescape Name: Brazooka
Combat level: 131
Total level: 1912
-- Levels --
Attack: 91
Strength: 92
Defence: 90
Constitution: 95
Magic: 85
Range: 99
Prayer: 92
Herblore: 99
Summoning: 72
Favorite boss: Bandos (see additional info)
Favorite skill: Dung
• Do you understand scamming clan members will result in a kick? Yes
• We have members under the age of 18 do you agree to act responsibly? Yes
• Please list your previous clan (s): Don't remember
• How did you find our clan? Forums
• Additional information or comments: I'm a 15+ year veteran of the game, i've been on and off this past year but before that hadn't played since launch of eoc. The last time I played religiously was when Armadyl (kreeara) was the hardest boss in the game. Looking for a clan to help me get caught up on the 10+ years of content I've missed and a nice group of mature people to talk with while grinding.
19-Jul-2019 00:02:47