*-··,.Completionist, Master Quest Cape, the Warden, the Defeater, the Araxyte, the Liberator, the Reaper, the Afker, Bukalla's Heir, Slayer Master, Speedy Dungeoneer, Lifeguard & Salty._.,··-*
*-··,.Completionist, Master Quest Cape, the Warden, the Defeater, the Araxyte, the Liberator, the Reaper, the Afker, Bukalla's Heir, Slayer Master, Speedy Dungeoneer, Lifeguard & Salty._.,··-*
Do you meet our stated Weapon requirements?
I have 101 invention but I have not perked my weapons yet I can do that easily though
What is your Favorite Boss?
Old fashioned General G.
Which bosses are you skilled in?
All but the new ones.
Are you looking to learn any bosses?
If you are a learner, will you use discord for voice chat?
Why did you leave your previous clan?
Took time away from gaming, I am in the military so I was stationed and did not play as much.
Do you have any prior clan management experience?
Yes I used to manage my own clan, I recently started playing again the last thing I did was max out invention and then took a long break, I am trying to get back into playing and would like a clan that could help me get back up to speed with the updates.
How did you hear about our clan?
I found you on the fourms