Which bosses are you skilled in? gwd 1&2 nex kk bm corp
Are you looking to learn any bosses? aod rots yaka rago
If you are a learner, will you use discord for voice chat? yes
Why did you leave your previous clan? they arent good they say pvm clans yet dont pvm and if they do they die like the other day i was in bm they didnt defuse bombs got hit for 10k and they had a lvl 80 in the bm
Do you have any prior clan management experience? no
to Lethality! Please join our Clan Chat as a guest and let them know you've applied and we will be happy to invite you to the clan!
*-··,.Completionist, Master Quest Cape, the Warden, the Defeater, the Araxyte, the Liberator, the Reaper, the Afker, Bukalla's Heir, Slayer Master, Speedy Dungeoneer, Lifeguard & Salty._.,··-*