Total level?
what are your favourite activities?
- PVM and Bossing.
Would you like to attend clan events?
- Yes when I have the time, I am in the Military and still have to put my career first.
Have you read, understood and agreed to our rules (Yes/No)?
- Yes I have Understood and read the rules, and I agree to the rules and standards.
Which clans have you been in previously (if any)?
- I am currently in The Chaos Storm and it is not total level Regulated clan. Therefor I'm not able to PVM with players of the adequate level.
How did you find out about New World Order?
- My best friend and RSN of Nick Jr told me to apply.
What made you apply?
- I want to be with a clan with good people, people of knowledge of RS3. I am maxed in OSRS and have been learning the ropes of RS3, and wanting to give a more steady push into PVM like the Ambassador.
21-Jul-2020 17:29:49