In-Game Name: Japm8 Lad
Total level: 2519
Your time zone: Pacific Standard
Current goal in the game: Max Total level, and to get better at PvM!
Events that you'd be interested in: Any and all
Playing style (skiller, combatant, social or mixed): Mixed
Your expectations of Ultimatums as a clan: I expect an active social, non-elitist environment where I can be included in various fun events, and learn more about RS3.
Have you read our rules and goal and do you understand them? Yes.
*If someone told you about our clan, enter their name here: I know a couple people in Ultimatums that I played with in past clans on OSRS. "OS Swift", and "Monkey D C" are a couple of them.
27-Nov-2021 05:42:31