Name: TS Mew
Total Level: 2106
Combat Level: 137
Preferred Playing Method (PVM’er, Skiller, Ironman, Hardcore Ironman): PVM'er/SKiller
How did you find out about us?
I honestly just looked up a clan chat that accepted higher level players and lower level ones too. I like the variety of higher and lover leveled players mingling. I like to think of myself as a friendly person as much as I can, helping lower levels do bossing, supplying people as best I can. Just looking for a nice community to make my gameplay experience enjoyable and return that same favor and this clan stood out to me. =]
If anyone referred you to the clan, please state their name: N/A
Two interesting things about you:
1. I am a returning RS3(left probably like 2-3 years ago) player just in need of some good friends to make my return much more enjoyable.
2. I am probably going to need as much help around Geilinor(Probably spelled it wrong tbh lol) but I will offer as much help as I can.
3. My name is just a momento that I hope I am not asked to change :X (I'm sorry if that causes issues)
Where do you see yourself in the future with our clan? What’s your goal?
Where do I see myself...? Well prior to my leave, I was in a clan that I was ranked pretty high in. I kept attendance logs for events, organized 2 events daily, kept track of all bumps on forums, managed incoming player, and enjoyed playing with many of the same newer members at the time to help keep them interested in the clan. Im honestly just looking for a good start and if I make it anywhere with your clan I'd more than be happy to help anyway I can or ways that seem fit.
As for my goal...uhhhh I think just having fun with Runescape again...I've missed it so much and there was so much time on my account that I just had to come back. Especially now that I have more free time to play in my life.
09-Oct-2020 07:20:14