Goals: Maxing, Comping, Filling out the House Chests, Slayer Logs, and Boss logs with at least a single unique, and learn to solo bosses well enough to make it look impressive.
Current 99's, if any: None
How did you hear about us?: Chrissie posted in a thread I had made when I was looking for a Clan
Favorite Runescape activities: Various D&Ds, questing, slayer, active skilling, passive skilling while I watch youtube.
Expectations: Just a good time with laughs and cries to be had, and more than likely learn some things I didn't know before.
Additional information: I am horrible at fish flingers, I am great at big chinchompa.
After reviewing your application, I am happy to tell you that you have been accepted into Loner Scape! All left for you to do to become a member of Loner scape is to pm one of the inviters listed on the first page.
You will be ranked to recruit for a 14 day trial. After your 14 day trial you will be ranked to corporal if all goes well.
Our Clan home world is World 103.
We have a tier 3 Citadel that you can start skilling in once invited, although this is completely optional and not required.
And last of all, a big welcome into Loner Scape! Hope you enjoy the clan. :slight_smile: