User name: Rosietyty
Combat level: 78
Total level: 1273
Time zone: Eastern
Goals: Trying very hard to get levels up to start invention
Current 99's, if any:
How did you hear about us? Thru the forum
Favorite Runescape activates: Anything magic!
Expectations: Hoping to find a group of RS buddies.
Additional information: I used to play back in 04 - 07 when I was still a kid. Played a few months in 2017 aaaaaand now learning the mechanics again. I'm 28 with a full time job (nights), so I play mostly on Friday and Saturday. As I am relearning the game. I just ask that no one hold anything against me. I totally wanna be helpful, but may not know the most efficient ways to play right now. ♡
21-Feb-2021 01:00:19