Total Level: 2176
Combat Level: 137
Timezone: Central
Current Goal in RS: completing ritual of the mahjarrat and get herblore to 96
Are you Maxed/Comped/Trimmed Comp: no maxed capes or anything
Do you have Master Quest Cape? Yes/No: no
Will you follow all the rules and be respectful: yes
Have you unlocked Prifddinas: yes
How did you hear about our clan: rs forums
Do you have Discord: yes
Do you prefer bossing or skilling: bossing
Favorite Boss: Vindicta; to be fair I haven't tried alot of the bosses yet. about to run my first Nex attempt
Least Favorite Boss: Giant Mole
Favorite Skill: Magic/Archaeology
Least Favorite Skill: Hunting/Farming
Overall favorite thing(s) to do when playing RS: Bossing, fun mini games, group slayer
Favorite activity/hobby outside of RS: playing other games on pc and working out.
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22-Apr-2023 23:40:58