Total Level: 2875
Combat Level: 138
Timezone: Eastern Standard Time
Current Goal in RS: Kill bosses (group or solo) and complete drop logs
Are you Maxed/Comped/Trimmed Comp: Maxed
Do you have Master Quest Cape? Yes/No: No
Will you follow all the rules and be respectful: Yes
Have you unlocked Prifddinas: Yes
How did you hear about our clan: Lurking the forums
Do you have Discord: Yes
Do you prefer bossing or skilling: Bossing
Favorite Boss: Kerapac or Raksha
Least Favorite Boss: Arch Glacor
Favorite Skill: Slayer
Least Favorite Skill: Firemaking
Overall favorite thing(s) to do when playing RS: Bossing
Favorite activity/hobby outside of RS: Hockey and other gaming
Prove to us you've read our rules: There are eleven of them and I've read them all.
05-Oct-2022 23:48:12