Total Level: 1803
Combat Level: 110
Timezone: East Coast America
Current Goal in RS: Finish Plagues End and get my first 99
Are you Maxed/Comped/Trimmed Comp: No
Do you have Master Quest Cape? Yes/No:
Will you follow all the rules and be respectful:
Have you unlocked Prifddinas: Not yet need to skill up
How did you hear about our clan: Forums
Do you have Discord: Yes
Do you prefer bossing or skilling: Both
Favorite Boss: Kalphite Queen
Least Favorite Boss: I have yet to come across one
Favorite Skill: Thieving & Prayer
Least Favorite Skill: Summoning
Overall favorite thing(s) to do when playing RS: Socializing and Crafting
Favorite activity/hobby outside of RS: PvM & Crafting
Prove to us you've read our rules: don't be a jerk, it's okay to ask questions, but learn to figure things out yourself first, no hot topic discussions or bringing drama into clan chat, and don't be a know-it-all jerk :3
21-Sep-2022 01:03:24