Total Level: 2069
Combat Level: 126
Timezone: EST
Current Goal in RS: 90+ Skills/Unlocks for further slayer/bossing
Are you Maxed/Comped/Trimmed Comp: nope
Will you follow all the rules and be respectful: Always
Do you have Curses: Yes
Do you have Overloads: Yes
Have you unlocked Prifddinas: Not yet
How did you hear about our clan: Forums
Do you prefer bossing or skilling: Healthy mixture
Favorite Boss: GWD 1 all 3 original
Least Favorite Boss: Mole/KBD?
Favorite Skill: Slayer/Dungeoneering
Least Favorite Skill: Runecrafting
Have you completed a full raid? If so do you know any roles: Not yet
Prove to us you've read our rules: Rule #7 You should put a semi-colon instead of a comma in the second sentence.
Haha I like your advice Grim, I'm going to change it right now : )
We would love for you to join us; add me/pm-me in game and I'll make sure you get invited!