Total Level: 2674 (2733)
Combat Level: 138
Timezone: CST (GBT -6)
Current Goal in RS: Quest cape + max
Are you Maxed/Comped/Trimmed Comp: no (All 99 except inv.)
Will you follow all the rules and be respectful: Certainly
Do you have Curses: Yes
Do you have Overloads: Yes
Have you unlocked Prifddinas: Yes
How did you hear about our clan: Forums while looking for high level clan
Do you prefer bossing or skilling: Bossing
Favorite Boss: Unsure, haven't tried them all
Least Favorite Boss: Same answer as above
Favorite Skill: Slayer
Least Favorite Skill: Invention
Have you completed a full raid? If so do you know any roles: No
Prove to us you read our rules: Unsure how to prove this, I read the rules post about 10 times and couldn't find any hidden password or anything.
06-May-2018 19:56:07