Username: Slamdancing
Combat Level: 138
Total Level:2708
Herblore Level:99 (101)
How did you find out about us? Reddit post
Username of the player who referred you (or N/A)? (N/A kinda, just stumbled upon a reddit post from the owner I believe).
Are you willing to use Discord actively, or at least for boss learning sessions? For sure.
Are you willing to be active, interact with others, hang out in clan chat and/or Discord, and make a true effort to be part of our community? Ofc
Are you the type of person who indirectly implies or directly states that other people are dumb/bad/stupid/worthless/garbage if they make a mistakes, don't have the best gear, or don't know something about the game? Nah, I generally don't say anything and let someone higher ranked supply that information if need be.
Do you agree to our clan rules, and our chat/discussion rules? Ofc.
If someone suggests a better or more efficient way to do boss kills, are you going to get defensive and douchey? Nah, id give it a go.
Do you want to join to leech kills, or do you want to improve your PvM skills? Personally iv never leeched. Iv PvM'd before but I'm not a god or anything of the sort. Improving is always welcomed.
What are your top 2-3 bosses you want to do more of and learn? AoD, Rago, Raids, Rots.
Are you interested in a leader/teacher/admin role in the future? (State which ones) Depends, I was a Overseer of my last Clan but with a 3rd shift job I wasn't able to get on an awfully huge amount during the week.
What are your best magic and ranged weapons? Nox staff and dual ascensions.
Tell us something about you! I'm just a filthy casual looking to pvm more on my maxed account.. I jump from osrs to rs3 alot but ill be getting back into rs3 to go for 120 slayer and pvm a ton more. I left my last clan because of the leader not caring as much anymore, but id like to give the clan thing another go. I work 3rds so during the weekdays I'm only on for about 3-5hrs..Ask for anything else.
05-Nov-2017 23:18:05