Username: Nymora
Combat Level: 136
Total Level: 2559
Time Zone: +1 GMT
How did you find out about our clan? Automatons and Ducked duck told me.
If someone recommended you to our clan, what is their username?^
Are you willing to use Discord actively, or at least for boss learning sessions? Honestly I find teaching without discord easier and less stressful but i mean who knows, maybe i would use discord to boss/teach/learn.
Are you willing to be an active player, interact with others, hang out in clan chat and/or Discord, and make a true effort to be part of our community? Yes.
Are you the type of person who indirectly implies or directly states that other people are dumb/bad/stupid/worthless/garbage if they make a mistake, don't have the best gear, or don't know something about the game? No , i hate elitists and i flame them.
Do you agree to our clan rules? Yes.
Do you agree to our clan chat/discussion rules? Yes.
Do you want to join to leech kills, or do you want to improve your PvM skills, stats, and gear? im hash1 already so cant improve anything tbh, jk, improve id say.
What are your top 2-3 bosses you want to do more of and learn? nex kk rago, and bosses i wna learn are rots maybe, new nex perhaps too.
Are there any bosses you know well enough to teach, and would you be willing to? Which bosses? Nex and KK.
Are you interested in a leader/teacher/admin role in the future? Idk, I cant afford time to play alot lately but we'll see in near future!
Tell us something about you! My imperfections are perfect! im friendly! im a nice guy!
15-Mar-2017 16:42:07