•Display Name: 45LC
•F2P or P2P: P2P
•Combat level: 135
•Total level: 2220
•Time zone: Eastern
•Will you attend our clan events?: Depends on the event
•Will u be active?: A few nights a week
•Previous clans: N/A
•What is your favorite thing to do in RuneScape? (e.g PvM, skilling, questing etc): Im pretty rounded but I would say questing
•How did you find out about MONARCH?: Found on Forums
•More information you would like us to know about you (optional): I Have been playing on and off for a very long time, ( this account is turning 10 years old in under a month). I like the idea of high level PvM but I still need more practice. My current goal is to unlock better pots by the end double xp weekend supremes or overloads.
17-Feb-2018 14:14:27