Rsn: Mouziki
Favorite Boss? Vindicta
Do you have any prior clan management experience? I was an admin in a large skilling clan right when clans were first a thing. Around 250 players, I kept track of ranks and recruiting events. It's been a while though, and have no interest in really becoming a leader of a clan, or high ranking official.
Are you looking to learn any bosses? I would like to learn the higher tier pvm, I can do up to about GWD2 solo, after that I'm a little inexperienced but wanting to learn so i can fund my max cape
Which bosses are you skilled in? GWD2
Why did you leave your previous clan? It was dead
If you are a learner, will you use discord for voice chat? Yes, I love interacting with people, meeting new people and bossing together is a great aspect of this game.
How did you hear about our clan? Forums
Thank you for applying Mouziki, you've been accepted to Lethality! Please join our Clan Chat as a guest and let them know you've applied and we will be happy to invite you to the clan