RSN: AuR-Cmo
Combat Level: 181
Total Level: 1627(Sorry if that's a little low.)
Why do you want to join Aus Eclipse?: Aussie clan, sick of no one being on in any other clans that I join, this clan just started out so I wouldn't mind been being apart of the beginning of it.
Do you have any experience in clans? (If so, please post the name of the Clan) I have experience in other clans. Shades Of Amber, Aus Reality.
If you do have experience with clans, what were they? (Were you in a leadership position?, What made you leave? etc) I've been in these clans majority of time, I am more of a social player, capping was recommended but we wouldn't get kicked if we didn't. I made it a couple ranks up in Shades but ended up being kicked because I ran out of money for membership. and Aus reality weren't all that social so I ended up leaving.
On a scale of one to ten how amazing is TIMI?: I'd say about 7 inches maybe?
Can you take a joke? Only if someone offers me one.
What do you think you can bring to Aus Eclipse? Social traits and 6 year player of runescape (On and off)
EDIT: TIMIBITS you're in my friends list although I forget how we met, Originally I didn't know you were in this clan I just stumbled upon it.
01-Oct-2013 14:55:39
- Last edited on
01-Oct-2013 14:58:47